
For general queries, contact the club captains.

For queries about the website, contact the webmaster.

To subscribe to the email list, click here.

2023–2024 Committee

Matthew Dixon, Men’s Captain

Matthew Dixon

Men’s Captain

Prof. Peter Haynes, Senior Treasurer

Prof. Peter Haynes

Senior Treasurer

Will Thomas, Training Officer

Will Thomas

Training Officer

Nam Chaisrisawatsuk, Secretary

Nam Chaisrisawatsuk


Alexander Corbett, Mapping Officer

Alexander Corbett

Mapping Officer

Tom Fryers, Webmaster

Tom Fryers


Dom Bowers, Quartermaster

Dom Bowers


Amy Lee-Jones, Safety Officer

Amy Lee-Jones

Safety Officer

Adam Harris, Welfare Officer

Adam Harris

Welfare Officer

Role Descriptions


The job of the Captains is primarily to nag the members of the committee to make sure that they are keeping on top of their roles and to chair committee meetings. Specific jobs include planning/organising Cuppers, the Intro-O and the May Week race, and filling in reports on club activities for other organisations. The job is not usually that time consuming, but the Captains must be willing to assume responsibility for other roles in the committee should that be necessary.

Senior Treasurer

Prof. Peter Haynes is the Senior Treasurer of the orienteering club.

Junior Treasurer

The responsibility of the Junior Treasurer is to account for all financial transactions within the club, such as keeping tabs on all creditors, debtors and balances. A job suitable for folk with number affinity and self-discipline.


The first point of contact if you’re not sure who best to talk to within the club. Also acts as BOF liaison, and deals with the agendas and minutes at committee meetings. Basically a job with lots of prestige, but not too much work!

Social Secretary

This involves arranging ad-hoc outings to pubs and organising socials such as The Dinnercrawl. This job is cool; if you like getting out and chilling, this is for you.

Training Officer

The Training Officer coordinates weekly training sessions, organising planners for technical sessions and making sure that circuits and intervals happen.

Training Tour Officer

The Training Tour Officer is responsible for organising the annual Training Tour at the end of Michaelmas. This year it’s going to be in [insert something here] and will be amazing!

Mapping Officer

The Mapping Officer has the responsibility of keeping the maps of CUOC’s areas up-to-date. On a yearly basis this normally involves minor updates on the maps to be used for the City Race and Icenian but can also involve larger re-mapping work, depending on the need and/or the level of keenness! CUOC has all it’s maps in OCAD format and a license for OCAD 8 for doing re-mapping work.


Being the Webmaster means managing the CUOC website and the CUOC email lists.


The Quartermaster is responsible for the club stores, and club clothing.

Development & Publicity

The Development & Publicity Officer oversees recruitment (and retention!) of new orienteers and ensures that the club is well presented in all communications. The job involves making fliers, videos and other publicity materials, and annoying the rest of the committee by being pedantic about their emails.

Safety Officer

The Safety Officer makes sure people are well and only do stupid things in a safe manner.

Welfare Officer

The Welfare Officer is the person to turn to if you having problems with others in the club.

Registered Address

Cambridge University Orienteering Club

Cambridge University Students' Union

17 Mill Lane



However, due to CUSU inefficiency postal mail is unlikely to reach us. Please email one of the committee instead

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