Cambridge City Race 2015

NameCambridge City Race 2015
LocationEngineering Dept (OpenStreetMap, Google Maps)
Race ID66897
NotesUK Urban League Level B
LinksFlyer Facebook Fabian4 Online entry WAOC Bush Heath Start Times
ResultsResults RouteGadget

=Course 1 - Special note

We have had to make a last minute change to one of the controls due to a wedding taking place in one of the colleges. The control will be 5m from where it is marked on the map, and should be easily visible. Note that the original feature - a gate - will have been removed on the competition day.


It gives CUOC great pleasure to invite you to the fourth Cambridge City Race. We will bring you intricate navigation around many of Cambridge's famous colleges as well as the narrow streets and open spaces of our beautiful city. As well as offering you the chance to run through some of the oldest university buildings in the world, this year's city race is a level B race, part of the UK Urban League and incorporates the annual Icenian Trophy for EAOA clubs.

WAOC are holding a race on the Sunday at Bush Heath woods - more info here. CUOC and WAOC look forward to seeing you at both races for a weekend of Autumn Orienteering.


Entries are now closed as the race is full. Please do not email the organiser - we do not have spare maps

There will be no entry on the day

The race will use SPORTident electronic timing (hire charge 50p).

Juniors who will be under 16 years of age on the day of the competition must compete in one of the junior classes

==Entry fees

Up to 31 JulUp to 10 OctBefore 17 OctBefore 22 Oct
Senior (BOF member)£10.00£11.00£12.00£13.00
Senior (non-BOF member)£12.00£13.00£14.00£15.00
SI hire£0.50£0.50£0.50£0.50


GR: TL450577, online map available here.

The assembly area will be in Lecture Room 4 at the Department of Engineering, Trumpington Street, Cambridge, CB2 1PZ. There will be no parking at the race; you are strongly advised to use public transport.

The assembly area will be open from 09:30.


Please respect the competition when approaching the race and do not seek out controls before your run. Note that the City Centre is Out of Bounds before you run except for the route from the bus-station. You must not arrive at the race by any other way through the City Centre. Old maps are not permitted in the competition area.


There are five park and rides serving Cambridge City Centre. We recommend using a park and ride. Buses from Trumpington are the most convenient - get off at the Fitzwilliam Museum, turn left off the bus and the Department of Engineering is on the right after 100m. All park and ride services serve Drummer Street bus station. The route from the Drummer Street bus station to the assembly area will be signed.

Other local buses also serve Drummer Street bus station. Longer distance bus and coach services stop at Parkside coach stop.

Please watch out for and give way to runners crossing your path on the way to the assembly area.


Cambridge has good rail connections to London and elsewhere. The assembly area is 1.4 km from the train station. The route from the station to the assembly area will be signed.


If you do need to park in Cambridge, the nearest multi-storey is the Grand Arcade car park on Corn Exchange street. Please be warned that this car park can be extremely busy on Saturday mornings. Exit the car park through the Grand Arcade shopping centre. The multi-storey is in the competition area and the permitted route from the Drummer Street bus station to the assembly area must be followed.

Orienteers are not allowed to park at the Park Street multi-storey car park as this is in the middle of the competition area.

=Race Day

All competitors must collect their race number from the assembly area before they go to the start. You will not be allowed on your course without it. Pins will be provided.

Enquiries, download, number and SI collection will be located in the assembly area. Toilets are elsewhere in the building and will be signed.

A store for small valuables (keys, wallet) will be provided but space in limited. All items are left at the owner's risk. Bags can be left in the assembly area but this is also at the owner's risk.

A prize giving will be held at 14.30 or as soon as possible after. Prizes are being provided by Advance Performance.


Start times will be between 10.30 and 13.00 and are available here. If you miss your start time we will give you the next free slot but you might have a long wait.

Start is 300 m W of assembly. Take care crossing cycle path.

There will be a warm up area at the start.

Call up is 4 minutes before your start time. Loose control descriptions will be provided in the start lanes. On the long beep you must dib the start control and pick up your map. Competitors should check they have the correct map before leaving the start area.

Maps for course 7 will be available in the pre-start area. It will be possible for competitors on the junior courses to start earlier as there is lots of space on these courses. Talk to an official at the start.



Be very careful when crossing roads as traffic will be present. Cyclists are extremely dangerous – assume they are not aware of the highway code or one way streets. You should watch out for undertaking and overtaking when crossing roads at any point including pelican crossings and be prepared to give way, even on pavements. Please be respectful and careful of pedestrians.

First aid will be available in the assembly area. Please make contact with a race official if you require first aid treatment. The nearest hospital with an emergency department is Addenbrooke's, Hills Road, Cambridge, CB2 0QQ. In the case of a serious incident whilst out on the course, please seek help from a college Porter.

Please be mindful that Saturday lectures will be taking place in some parts of the map. There is a sudden increase of pedestrian and bike number before and after each lecture.

Full leg cover is not required - shorts may be worn, but dress appropriately for the weather. Metal-spiked shoes are not allowed.


Colleges are primarily places of learning and living, and we are lucky to have access to some very prestigious colleges. You must not stray in to an out of bounds area or walk on the grass unless it is marked as ‘in bounds’. Marshals and porters will be patrolling and you will be disqualified if you breach our agreed access. Our access agreements are only valid for the duration of your run. Most colleges are open to the public if you want to visit after your run, although some may charge an entry fee.

Do not risk future use of this area by running recklessly or inappropriately. We rely on the goodwill of the colleges and university to be able to put on this race.


Some courses may need to go through gates which are closed (but unlocked). The gates will have signs instructing competitors that they may be used.

All courses may encounter gates marked as closed on the map. These gates are not to be used even if they are open in the competition area.


For each control unit the flag, SI box and backup pin punch will be secured to an immovable object. If the SI unit at a control does not appear to be working use the backup pin-punch attached to it to punch your map as proof that you have found it.

Controls are secured or supervised, however if a control appears to be missing due to vandalism, you should make very sure you are in the right place and then continue with your race. Please let us know at download if you believe a control is missing.


There will be a number of official CUOC photographers taking pictures for the club to be published only by CUOC following the race and for future club publicity. If you wish not to appear in such photography, please leave your race number at enquiries.

Please note that photography and video equipment will not be allowed on the courses.

You will not be allowed to start with any form of camera.


The junior courses have a different finish to the senior courses. All competitors must punch the finish control and then proceed to download. The route from the junior finish crosses a road at the traffic light crossing. There will be a marshall to ensure that juniors cross the road safely.

All competitors must download. This is a safety check and failure to download may result in a search party being sent to look for you.

Courses close at 14.30 and controls may be removed from this time. If you are still on the course at 14.30 please return to the assembly area to download. Please be aware of the time - especially if you have a late start time.

Please don't show your map to competitors who have yet to run.


Scale: 1:5000, drawn to ISSOM standards. No contours. Updated in 2015 for the City Race.

Roadworks and other alterations can appear at short notice and may not be mapped.

The area has been mapped according to ISSOM 2007. It is the competitors' responsibility to ensure they are familiar with these. A legend is available on the Maprunner website. Please make sure you are familiar with the 'Forbidden to cross' symbols. This may represent a high wall, a low boundary or a gate/entrance which we do not have permission to use. You must not cross these features even if it is possible to do so. There will not be a legend on the map. Construction sites are mapped with a solid purple fill and purple border and are strictly out of bounds.

Do not cross these symbols

Maps will be printed on waterproof paper


A mix of riverside parkland, intricate streets of central Cambridge, and a maze of college courtyards, passages and quads guarded by porters (don't touch the grass!). Adult courses 1-5 will mostly be on paved surfaces, but you should be prepared for some controls on soft ground. Metal-spiked shoes must not be worn. Junior courses will be in parkland and do not cross any roads.


Controls will use standard kites, mainly on stakes or attached to street furniture.


To be competitive (and therefore eligible for prizes, the Icenian, the UK Urban League) you must run the course recommended for your age group. However, please enter whichever course you feel is of appropriate length.

CourseClassLengthControlsMap sizeDescription length
1Men Open7.1 km30A321 cm
2Women Open, M406.1 km30A321 cm
3W40, M555.0 km23A317 cm
4W55, M654.2 km19A314 cm
5W653.5 km17A313 cm
6M/W16-2.5 km17A414 cm
7M/W12-1.8 km14A412 cm

Remember these are straight line distances – actual distance run could be much further!


Advance Performance

Results will displayed during the race. After the race, they will be uploaded to the CUOC website. Don't forget to add your route to Routegadget after the race.

Prize giving will take place as soon as possible after 14.30 in the assembly area. Prizes have been kindly donated by our sponsors: Advance Performance.

The Icenian Trophy will be presented to the EAOA club with the lowest score when their top ten runners are added together. Places will be calculated based on urban age classes, i.e. W40+ will be ranked separately from M55+ although they

are on the same course. You must be entered with an East Anglian club to count!

=Last minute information

Check the CUOC website

Cambridge University Orienteering Club reserves the right to cancel the race at short notice should the need arise. In the case of cancellation, we will send an email to the addresses we have and place a notice on the CUOC website. CUOC reserve the right to retain all or part of the entry fee to cover costs that have already been incurred.


The organisers would like to thanks:

We are very grateful for all the help we have received


PlannerFiona Petersen (CUOC)
OrganiserHelen Pruzina (CUOC)
OrganiserJohn Ockenden (CUOC)
ControllerMike Capper (WAOC)

Please contact the organisers using the following at email address: cityrace2015

Entries are now closed as the race is full. Please do not email the organiser - we do not have spare maps
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