CUOC Snow Training

CUOC Snowman

Henrik at Brandon

8 CUOC members braved the cold and snow to train in Brandon & High Lodge over the weekend. As usual, we got a shockingly early train to Brandon and walked the short, icy distance into the area. Matthew had planned some excellent exercises for the morning, practising attack points, bearings and speed control on longer legs before a fun chasing sprint style race in the afternoon in a surprisingly complicated area of pits and depressions. This meant combining two slightly skewed maps together from each side of the road, which had the unusual effect of contours not matching up and a quiet B road appearing to become a dual carriageway! There was plenty of snow on the ground still, and a new recruit in the form of Mr. Snowman joined the club. Unfortunately, due to his medical conditions (he's very heat sensitive and only has limited mobility), he had to stay in the forest and so will be no use in beating Oxford at Varsity in a few weeks' time. Synonymous with CUOC training, there was of course plenty of cake for the train journey back!

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