
18:30Astronomy TrainingMadingley Rise SiteTHURSDAY Training
18:30Histon and Impington MaprunHistonWednesday Maprun
18:30Homerton College TrainingHomerton CollegeWednesday Training
12:00Varsity Individual Studland DunesVarsity
10:00Varsity RelayWarehamVarsity
18:30Varsity/BUCS Indoor prep sessionCambridgeIndoor session preparing for races
18:30Girton College TrainingGirton CollegeWednesday Training
18:30Bar Hill MaprunBar HillWednesday Maprun
10:00BUCS Individual Birchen EdgeBUCS
10:00BUCS RelayCarsington PasturesBUCS
 IcenianCambridge and HuntingdonTwo days of sprint orienteering.


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